May 2014 Academic & Specialist Reaktion Books

Another Darkness, Another Dawn: A History of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers Becky Taylor

Hardback | May 2014 | REAKTION BOOKS | 9781780232577 | 304pp | 234x156mm | RFB | AUD$62.99, NZD$74.99

 Gypsies, Roma and Travellers are some of the most marginalized and vilified people in society. They are rarely seen as having a place in a country, either geographically or socially, no matter where they live or what they do. Another Darkness, Another Dawn  is a new history that charts their movement through time and place: from their roots in the Indian subcontinent, across the Byzantine and Ottoman empires to western Europe and the Americas, to their place in the contemporary world. Understanding their history is to take in the founding and contraction of empires, the Reformation and Counter- Reformation, wars, the expansion of law and order and of states, the Enlightenment, nationalism, modernity and the Holocaust, as well as the increasing regulation of modern society. It is asmuch a history of ourselves as it is a history of 'others'.