September, October and November 2013 Academic & Specialist Religion

Hackett Philosophical Dialogues

Does God Exist?: A Dialogue on the Proofs for God’s Existence Todd C. Moody

Hackett Philosophical Dialogues

Does God Exist?: A Dialogue on the Proofs for God’s Existence
Todd C. Moody

Paperback | Second Edition,2 | Mar 2013 | Hackett Publishing | 9781624660405 | 156pp | 216x140mm | GEN | AUD$14.95, NZD$18.99
Hardback (B306) | Second Edition,2 | Mar 2013 | Hackett Publishing | 9781624660412 | 156pp | 216x140mm | GEN | AUD$64.00, NZD$77.99

In this engaging introductory dialogue, Todd Moody maps the spectrum of philosophical arguments and counterarguments for the existence of God. Structuring colloquial conversations along classical lines, he presents a lively and accessible discussion of issues that are central to both theist and atheist thinking.