October 2019 Academic & Specialist Bristol University Press

Basic Income Experiments: Theory, Practice, and Politics Jurgen De Wispelaere, Evelyn L. Forget

Basic Income Experiments: Theory, Practice, and Politics
Jurgen De Wispelaere, Evelyn L. Forget

Paperback | Nov 2022 | Policy Press | 9781447346852 | 160pp | 198x129mm | RFB | AUD$29.99, NZD$34.99

This book offers a detailed review of completed, ongoing and planned basic income experiments in order to examine the value of and complications inherent in conducting such experiments and to provide best-practice guidelines for future social experimentation and policy development.

Basic income remains a controversial policy proposal, as both policymakers and the public question its feasibility, costs and social consequences. As a result, basic income experiments are being set up around the world to better inform policymakers' decisions. However, there is little consensus about what kinds of questions these experiments can or cannot answer, how they should be designed, and what role, if any, they play in rolling out basic income policy.