Verdi's La Traviata
Original author Gyeong-Hye Lee, edited by Joy Cowley, illustrated by Aurelia Fronty

Paperback | Jul 2015 | Big and Small | 9781925233803 | 44pp | 295x227mm | GEN | AUD$22.99

Age range 5+

One of opera's greatest romances, La Traviata is full of human emotions that make a compelling story in this child friendly retelling. Aurelia Fronty ’s illustrations are truly works of art, making this a very special book.

big & SMALL’s Music Storybook series is beautifully illustrated by recognised children's book artists. This unique series presents famous operas, ballets and suites in a 'world classics' picture book form. Each book also includes six supplementary pages with background information about the composer and the musical piece.