Mr. M: The Exploring Dreamer
Meister Soizick, Kallie George

Hardback | Nov 2010 | Simply Read Books | 9781897476512 | 54pp | GEN | AUD$21.95, NZD$29.99
Hardback | Oct 2010 | Simply Read Books | 9781897476680 | 54pp | GEN | AUD$21.99, NZD$24.99

Mr. M is sometimes melancholy and uncertain, sometimes sentimental -- we see memories of childhood made visible by Meister's brush, revealing a duality of vision many of us share by reaching for our hopes while remembering a simpler past. Mr. M is acutely aware of the beauty of the world around him, both welcoming and sometimes overwhelming. A transplant from somewhere else, he is a traveler in both mind and space, pursuing the sometimes conflicting pleasures of exploration and the wish to put down roots. This book was created from a selection of Soizick Meister's Mr. M paintings that seemed to tell a story of their own.