The Freak-garde: Extraordinary Bodies and Revolutionary Art in America
Robin Blyn

Hardback | Nov 2013 | University of Minnesota Press | 9780816678167 | 328pp | 216x140mm | RFB | AUD$98.50, NZD$129.50
Paperback | Nov 2013 | University of Minnesota Press | 9780816678174 | 328pp | 216x140mm | RFB | AUD$32.50, NZD$39.50

The Freak-garde traces the arts of the freak show from P. T. Barnum to Matthew Barney, demonstrating how a form of mass culture entertainment became the basis for a distinctly American avant-garde tradition. Robin Blyn establishes innovative approaches to American avant-garde practices and embodiment and lays the foundation for a more nuanced understanding of the disruptive potential of art under capitalism.