Indigenous Americas

The Fourth Eye: Maori Media in Aotearoa New Zealand
Edited by Brendan Hokowhitu, Vijay Devadas

Paperback | Oct 2013 | University of Minnesota Press | 9780816681044 | 312pp | 254x178mm | RFB | AUD$32.50, NZD$39.50
Hardback | Oct 2013 | University of Minnesota Press | 9780816681037 | 312pp | 254x178mm | RFB | AUD$98.50, NZD$115.50

 The Fourth Eye brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars to provide a critical and comprehensive account of the intricate and complex relationship between the media and Māori culture.

Focusing on New Zealand as a case study, the authors address the broader question: what is Indigenous media? While engaging with distinct themes such as the misrepresentation of Māori people in the media, access of Indigenous communities to media technologies, and the use of media for activism, the essays in this much-needed new collection articulate an Indigenous media landscape that converses with issues that reach far beyond New Zealand.