Finn Fancy Necromancy

Finn Fancy Necromancy
Randy Henderson

Paperback | May 2015 | Titan Books | 9781783297238 | 400pp | 198x130mm | GEN | AUD$17.99, NZD$19.99

What Douglas Adams did for science fiction, Randy Henderson does for Necromancy!

Finn Gramaraye is a young necromancer wrongly exiled from our world in 1986 who returns twenty-five years later hoping to reconnect with the girl he loves, only to be immediately framed for murder. In order to clear his name, he must deal with sasquatch mercenaries, evil PTA witches, mobster gnomes, and worst of all, his dysfunctional family. (His brother Mort, who is running the family necrotorium business now, his brother Pete who believes he's a werewolf, though he is not, and his sister Samantha who is, unfortunately, allergic to magic.) And he's got Zeke, a fellow exile and former enforcer, who doesn't really believe in Finn's innocence but is willing to follow along in hopes of getting his old job back.