Fashion Illustration: Techniques, Design, Practice - a Manual
Edited by Willemina Hoenderken

Hardback | Sep 2013 | Arnoldsche | 9783897903951 | 312pp | 310x230mm | GEN | AUD$69.99, NZD$84.99

Fashion is fascination, cult, protection and adornment. We experience it daily on our own bodies and we notice it in our surroundings. The manifestations of fashion in magazines, advertisements and the Internet are never ending: sophisticated, erotic, provocative or overly aesthetic pictures create specific images, carrying the beholder off into their own world. Willemina Hoenderken, professor of design at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, conveys in this book just how fashion is perfectly staged through illustration. The publication outlines fundamental techniques, diverse materials and important basics of design, and presents approximately 400 illustrations created at the Bielefeld University.