Australian Jewel Beetles: An Introduction to the Buprestidae
Geoff Williams, Kevin Mitchell, Allen M. Sundholm

Hardback | Mar 2024 | CSIRO Publishing | 9781486317400 | 224pp | 270x210mm | RFB | AUD$195.00, NZD$225.00

Australian Jewel Beetles: An Introduction to the Buprestidae is a comprehensive overview of Australia's buprestid fauna. It presents taxonomic, ecological and biogeographic information for all Australian genera, and their association with the world's Buprestidae more widely. It explores plant-evolution dependencies, as well as threats and conservation for this diverse fauna.

The authors bring together their extensive experience and understanding of the wealth of Australia's largely endemic species, supported by spectacular images and discussion of photographic techniques.

Australian Jewel Beetles will be valued by professional biologists and ecologists, as well as entomologists and naturalists in Australia and abroad.